504 Information
504 District Coordinator
Kara Vanderweele, Director of Student Services
Email: karavanderweele@whitehallschools.net
Phone: 231-893-1010
Elementary 504 Building Coordinators
Shoreline Elementary:
Beth Whaley, Principal
Email: bethwhaley@whitehallschools.net
Phone: 231-893-1050
Ealy Elementary:
Ron Bailey, Principal
Email: ronaldbailey@whitehallschools.net
Phone: 231-893-1040
Secondary 504 Building Coordinators
Middle School:
Justin Zeerip, Assistant Principal
Email: justinzeerip@whitehallschools.net
Phone: 231-893-1030
High School:
Bobbi Oldenburg, Assistant Principal
Email: bobbioldenburg@whitehallschools.net
Phone: 231-893-1020
WDS 504 Procedural Safeguards
504 Due Process Notification
504 Grievance Procedure
Notice of Non-Discrimination