Business & Finance

Business and Finance

Stewardship & Service!

The residents of Whitehall entrust significant resources to the district to ensure that our students have the opportunities to acquire the best education and participate in the activities that are affordable.  Those resources include the monies to operate the programs as well as the facilities that house our programs & activities and bring our students to and from school.  Our priority is to maximize the dollars that impact student learning the most.  We are working to maintain our capital assets so that they operate efficiently and do not take valuable resources from our priority mission of education.

We're committed to providing a high level of service to the students, staff, and community.  The nature of the Business Office and its audits require a certain level of bureaucracy.  And some of that is just plain "good stewardship."  The required transparency information is maintained on this website and provides good information.  The dashboard provides valuable academic information.  With efficient processes, we can provide a high level of friendly service while minimizing the necessary bureaucracy.

Budget Transparency Reporting

Bidding Information: