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Whitehall High School

Welcome to Whitehall High School

Report Cards

Parents can print their child's report card from the parent PowerSchool portal by the end of June.  Log in to your parent account and then click on the "Print a Report Card" button on your student's page.  

Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook

The 2023-2024 Yearbooks will arrive sometime in September.   Please call the office if you are going to stop in and pick it up. 

New Student Enrollment Information

Parents or guardians of new students to Whitehall High School contact the school office at 231-893-1020.  New student registration materials can be accessed through the link below.  To complete your child's enrollment, bring the completed registration materials and the following documents to the school office:

1.  Proof of Residency - a rental lease, purchase agreement, or a recent utility bill with name and address.
2.  Immunization Record
3.  Student birth certificate with original stamp/seal.
4.  High school transcripts or most recent report card if entering as a freshmen.
5.  Most recent IEP if receiving special education services.

New Student Enrollment Packet

Stay current on high school happenings, read our Daily Announcements.

High School Calendar

High School Calendar
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